Read the latest news on active union negotiations.
- Feb 12: Neutral Factfinder Overwhelmingly Favors UC Proposals To AFSCME
- Nov. 8: Statement on AFSCME Notice to Strike
- Nov. 1: Statement on AFSCME Vote to Strike
- Nov. 1: Statement on Health Care Costs for AFSCME and UPTE Members
- Oct. 9: Statement on AFSCME Assembly
- Aug. 29: California’s Public Employment Relations Board ends mediation between UC and AFSCME
- Aug. 28: University of California, AFSCME begin mediation to resolve impasse
- Jun. 18: UC offers AFSCME new wage and health care cost proposals
- May 22: UC Affirms AFSCME's Right to Assemble
- Feb. 22: UC proposes 26 percent pay increase for AFSCME workers / La UC propone un aumento salarial del 26% para los trabajadores de AFSCME
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